Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Tiny's on MLK

I hope my art friends are getting thier pieces together for the group show at Tiny's in April. Four pieces no bigger than bread boxes reflecting on the theme "Something being overtaken" Jean Nagai, Julia Bork, Lisa David, hopefully Ryans Buck and Shanks will both represent, this new friend Wanna, i cant find her card but ill post her link soon, Matthew Nicely, Kevin Vincent Woida and Anna Benkhe maybe more....


Annie Bluth said...

This is kinda out of left field, but -- Did you attend Coe Elementary School? I did and I recognize your name.

Annie Bluth said...

Is your "Brilliant" painting still for sale?

Embodied cognition, Painting and Heartache.

This last year has brought me all kinds of opportunities for growth. At this ripe old age I would say that heartbreak ...